---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Koen Van Overmeiren <koen@circusgroup.be>
Date: 13-ene-2009 16:25
Subject: Looking for artist!
To: info@circusgroup.be
The Belgian circus group Cirq'ulation Locale is looking for circus artists to enhance their entertainment programme and to tour with them around Europe. Please find enclosed the required profile. Help us to spread this information.You will not just be helping us, but also any performers in your area that may be looking for a full time position as a circus artist. The vacancy is in English. For further clarifications please contact us.
Many thanks!
For more information: www.circusgroup.be or +32 496 69 22 21
Koen Van Overmeiren
+32 496 69 22 21 (office)
tu-fr/ma-ve/di-vr: 9-16h
Associació Valenciana de Circ
Tel. 639.988.292
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